



Random is often misinterpreted and misunderstood by a lot of people, which is why I think it is important to discuss it here. You might that randomness is synonymous with unpredictability; well this notion is completely false. All random events are, for the most part, predictable with the help of probability. When you toss a coin, you will have a 50% probability of the coin landing on heads. Therefore, if you toss a coin 200 times, it is very likely that 100 of those flips will land on heads. The same exact concept applies to Random Number Generators (or RNG) in computers. If you ask a computer to generate a random number from 1 to 100, you have a 1/100 chance of the computer outputting the number 42. However, RNGs beg a much more important question: how do computers simulate randomness? (資料來源)




1. 初始化:RNG在遊戲開始或每次旋轉之前都會進行初始化。這可以是基於某些外部因素,如時間,或者使用一個稱為“種子”的初始值。

2. 生成隨機數字:RNG根據初始化值生成一個或多個隨機數字。這些數字通常是在0到1之間的浮點數或在一個大範圍的整數。

3. 轉換成結果:生成的隨機數字通常會經過一系列計算,以確定遊戲結果。例如,在老虎機遊戲中,這些數字可以用來確定哪些圖案出現在滾輪上,以及是否贏得了獎金。

4. 重複過程:RNG會不斷生成新的隨機數字,以確保每次旋轉的結果都是隨機的。

There are also two types of random or probability in the field of statistics: dependent and independent. It is important to distinguish the two of them because they can highly impact decision-making in games and even game design or balance. Independent events mean that one event does not affect the probability of another event. For instance, you will get a 50% chance of getting tails in the first coin toss and the same 50% chance in the second coin toss. Dependent events are the opposite; separate events influence each other’s probabilities. If you draw from a normal deck of cards, you have a 4/52 chance of drawing in King. If you don’t draw a king on the first draw, you will have a 4/51 chance of drawing a King on the second draw. (資料來源)



1. 硬件RNG:硬件RNG使用物理過程或設備來生成隨機數字。例如,一些硬件RNG使用電子噪聲或量子物理學效應來生成隨機性。這些硬件RNG通常被認為更安全,因為它們不依賴於軟件,難以預測或操縱。

2. 軟件RNG:軟件RNG是在計算機程序中實現的,通常使用算法和數學計算來生成隨機性。儘管它們可以提供足夠的隨機性,但軟件RNG可能受到外部攻擊或預測的風險,因此需要特殊的安全措施。




1. 獨立檢驗:遊戲開發商通常會請獨立的檢驗機構來審查他們的RNG技術,確保它們是隨機的並且不受操縱。

2. 種子和初始化:使用適當的種子和初始化值可以增加RNG的安全性。這些值應該是隨機的並且不容易預測。

3. 加密和安全性措施:軟件RNG應該受到適當的加密和安全性措施的保護,以防止外部攻擊。

4. 監控和透明度:遊戲開發商應該保持RNG技術的透明度,並在需要時進行監控,以確保其運作正常。

