
A roulette wheel is a heavy, high inertia wheel made of metal, wood or a combination, carefully balanced and turning on precision bearings. The periphery is divided into 37 (European) or 38 (American) compartments colored red or black and numbered 1 to 36, with one (European) or two (American) compartments colored green and numbered 0 and (American wheels) 00. The wheel turns in a dished bowl, usually made of fine wood. The croupier sets it spinning at around one turn per two seconds or thereabouts.
Because of the inertia and precision bearings, it will continue to turn for several minutes without a further push. The croupier then sets the ball rotating round the outside of the bowl, in the opposite direction to the wheel. Centrifugal force keeps the ball at the outside of the bowl until friction slows it down, when it falls towards the wheel. On the way, it encounters obstacles in the form of diamond shaped inserts that bounce it and randomize its motion. Eventually it slows enough to fall onto the wheel and come to rest in one of the numbered pockets. A good roulette wheel costs several thousand dollars. (資料來源)
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